Tuesday, July 29, 2008

flippin cool....

Ok just a quick update. Lisa and I have moved but we do not have internet yet. Probably not for a while. Our new place is awesome. I am hoping to have a housewarming party soon that way everyone can see where we live at. I do have this week off of school so if you want to see me for a few minutes give me a call. I am still moving things though and lisa has the car part of the time but we can work something out.

So yes, we are doing great. leave comments so when i check this in 5 years i can read them. lol and please call me if you want to go get breaking dawn with me at midnight on friday!!!!


Merilee said...

Congrats on the new place! Meet me at Barnes & Noble. I'll be there buying my copy.

iknowjewels said...

I didn't know you were moving! Still in Mesa?

KrisBo said...

merilee, please tell me you will be at one in arizona, although i know that you will not be..

jewels, yes still in mesa. i'm on extention just south of the 60. the place is great i freakin love it..

Merilee said...

Sorry, Yeah I'll still be in Oregon. I'll be thinking of you though.

Natalie said...

I am so glad you are loving your place. I can't wait for the new book to come out, too.

ducklips said...

So glad you and Lisa got a place together. I am super excited though. Tell me when I can come see it. My kids are in school. woohoo!