So my brother Cody moved in with us the other week. He is really active with sports. We have enough room for a basketball hoop, not really enough room to play football or anything else though.
We found a basketball hoop on and were well on our 10 mile venture, when about a mile away the lady texts me and says she sold it. F. What a load. Anyways, we try Target. Nothing worth getting. He wants it NBA sized, 10 ft, not 6 ft. Sports Authority and Big 5 are way too expensive, like $300+ kinda expensive.
(Did I mention it was about 100 degrees out today? My old beater truck doesn't have AC! Too bad a BB hoop it was to big for my car. Luckily, Lee got home from work early so he stayed home with Alexandria so Cody and I could go and not drag the baby out in the heat.)
At this point we had been in the truck around an hour. So I pulled over and searched, but they only had 1 in stock and it was another 30 minute drive. I called and was on hold off and on for about 30 minutes, they couldn't find it in the system, then they did, then they couldn't find it in the store, but luckily he checked other stores for me.
Success! The walmart by my house has 12! is a liar. it said only one in a 50 mile radius. So we got the hoop and finished putting it together as the sun was pretty much gone.
While we were out, Lee called me. "You'll never guess what just happened!" He said, and terror stuck me. He proceeds to tell me, that Alex pushed her high chair to the side of the couch, climbed onto the couch, up the arm and into her high chair. Then he laughed telling me she got mad cause she couldn't get out of the chair. She is quick. He had been on the phone with his mom and didn't realize this was going on. The entire time he was telling me this story I was waiting for him to tell me to RUSH home and take one of them to the hospital, that something was broken. By the time I hung up I was so relieved, but the whole time we were on the phone my heart was racing. I don't know why terror stuck me. Probably because I know my little girl can climb, and run, and pull things down that used to be out of reach cause she stands on her toys. I don't think I can baby proof that room anymore!! There's nothing else to move!
Either way, I had fun with my brother, its been nice getting to see him and hang out, but DANG that phone call was scary! Oh, and Alex cries when you tell her NO now.