isn't it sad that i could have taken better full body shots of myself if i would've had a tripod with me? not sad, but it's a little irritating that you cant see my whole costume but you sure can see the whole wall!! i made sure in the pictures i took of others you could see the whole thing. i even had shoes to go with it all. anyways, i figured i would put them up and you all would get the jist of my costume. i will take better ones when i get dressed up for work on wed. this is rainbow brite. its a bit different from the original but i worked my butt off on this. i did my own make up too. i think it looks cute. also you can't tell very much but i do have my hair in the pony tail to the side. (this is the first halloween costume i think i have ever made.)
I love it. You did such an awesome job. I am very impressed.
I love your Rainbow Bright costume. I don't remember if it was Merilee or Emily that always watched that show.
Ok, I am going to put up a post in the next couple of days to share that you posted your costume. I figure most people will have them up after Halloween. Then I just need to figure out the whole poll thing.
Yours is fabu though!
I hate to admit it, but it was me. Great costume! What made you choose that?
i figured i probably wouldn't run into any other rainbow brites, and i couldn't find the material i wanted for strawberry shortcake. my hair kinda helped create the ideas... now i need to fix it before the wedding..
I love this costume. Great Job.
It looks awesome!
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